e premte, 28 shtator 2007

The future of the library as we know rests in your hands!

well...after reading over that a few people had to say regarding where libraries are going i have selected to talk about Rick Anderson and his views of rowing our ibrary boats to web 2.0. Im not really sure how i feel about the whole idea...in fact i am not sure if i like it. Granted it is wonderful that the libraries are becoming more savy and working up to their potential in such a technological world but are they losing that special something? There is a comforting feeling walking into a library and knowing that if i go into the 900s in nonfiction i can find travel materials, books about wars and history or even a couple of maps....but what happens when it's all digital?

Will my kids have a library with an abundence of books or will there be a few in...print but a whole bunch online? So i applaud the libraries for moving foward but i cant help but wonder if there are some places that should keep an older vibe..

1 koment:

Anonim tha...

Im looking for people with my name.
Is your name dylane?

Im female from england.